Day of Generosity
I, Mystery the First, decree that April 20th shall henceforth be declared a holiday, for as long as the Kingdom of Mysteria shall last. For this, indeed, is a grand day, in which the fruits of our labors, most particularly Mystery the Great and mine, have resulted in victory.
For today our cries of “Long may our signatures be!” have reached the ears of the benevolent leader of the land of FaithWriters. This great man will henceforth be known as Sir SLindsay the Generous, Knight of Mysteria!
No longer will our signatures be restricted to a terse 250 characters, but now we are able to truly express ourselves with 500 characters.
The Kingdom of Mysteria is now free to enjoy a peaceful existence, with the sole purpose of providing entertainment for the good people of FaithWriters. But rest assured that we will not hesitate to take up another worthy cause if we see the need.
Now, my people of Mysteria, enjoy Day of Generosity!! In honor of Sir SLindsay's act, may we all strive to be generous.
Long live Mystery! Long are our signatures!!
Mystery the First
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